New Roller Lash!

Benefit Cosmetics LLC

30 November 2007

A Bathroom with Ducks

I just started reading Night by Elie Wiesel, and I'm not comfortable critiquing it. It's the kind of thing I read often though, so I find the subject matter interesting. One of the reviews on the back states my exact feelings while another one really pissed me off. I will say, however, that I read his acceptance speech for the Nobel peace prize int he back, and I was not pleased. Oh well.

I've always wanted a rubber-duckie themed bathroom, but I still don't have one.

I have lots of work to do now.

And I missed Regina. I was really sad.

I finished Night as it's quite a short read. The New York Times called it "A slim volume of terrifying power" Curt Leviant from Saturday Review said "Wiesel has taken his own anguish and imaginatively metamorphosed it into art." Which do you think pissed me off?

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