New Roller Lash!

Benefit Cosmetics LLC

09 May 2009

New Post.

Third of the day. 

In addition to my lists, I would like to add more things, less listy like.

I have been in a rather befuddled state the last few days. I don't understand anything. At all. People and their relationship-y things, especially. We? WE?! And trust? And so many things. They don't make sense. I don't know why. 

A quick note though--when people comment "wow you need to calm down" it really makes me want to punch them in the face. If I'm upset enough to say something that would warrant such a comment, there is a good chance I know I should calm down, unless you think I'm a colossal moron on top of the fact that my calmness is not to your liking. I mean---it's just a stupid thing to say. Just stupid. Useless. Pointless. Wasteful. I prefer not to waste my words. I think others should follow suit. 

My lips are dry. And people can be so melodramatic. WORSE than I am. I've never expected to see anything like that. I always expect myself to be the most sensitive, obnoxious, etc. person around. And I'm so not. Fail. Or win? 

P.S. There exists a place called "Burger Win." I believe it used to say like..wing(s?), but the letters disappeared and never came home, making it one of the five coolest signs in the universe. 

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