New Roller Lash!

Benefit Cosmetics LLC

15 October 2008

Medea and other Greek things.

Having finished reading Oedipus the King (and gotten a 100 on the test!!) after reading The Odyssey (and having gotten a 98 on that test), I was just forced to read Medea. I shall be tested on it tomorrow. I was disturbed to see it tagged as "feminist" on some book site of which I am a member. I think it portrays women as fragile, weak, and ultimately crazy for love. Not feminist at all! 

I finished reading The Heart is Deceitful above All Things, and I didn't like it. It is boring. What was the point? What could I have gotten out of it? Je ne sais pas! Rien de rien? 

I can sleep no more. Frowns. 

The ginger cat is not allowed in the bedroom anymore. He possesses the power of "allergies." 

My boyfriend has told me numerous times recently to stop caring about other people. In some cases, his advice is worth taking, but I never see him taking his own advice. I am not accustomed to anyone accusing me of not being selfish enough. Both he and my therapist tell me that I am almost considerate to a fault, which I would have never even conceived to think of myself. Oh well. 

My lungs hurt. I have told my sister, who has a cold, to stay far away from me several times, and there she is getting in my face ALL the time. It's not like the smallest little cold could actually kill me or anything. (not at all) Or that like ----my immune system is practically a name-only member. Oh and my throat hurts! The anticipation gives me chills. Or is that the cold chill of death approaching?

Loyalty is a funny thing. 

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